Acceptable Use
- No restriction is made on the subjects which may be discussed in this forum though it has been made available primarily for discussion of issues effecting Hawick and/or the surrounding area.
- Please do not post adverts or messages with commercial content, instead you should look at hawick.adverts.
- Messages to this forum are not monitored or controlled in anyway except for automatic detection of certain, undesirable, words which will cause messages to be rejected. Therefore, it is up to the users of this facility to ensure proper use is maintained. Messages considered to be unsuitable in anyway may be removed at the discretion of the owner of this facility without notice.
- Please note that IP addresses of all users are logged. It is not possible for individuals to be identified from their IP addresses though their domains can. If abuse of this facility occurs, IP addresses will be used to identify message sources and Postmasters of the relevant domain will be informed. In severe cases, messages from certain domains will be blocked to prevent further abuse.
- Use the navigation bar at the top of each page to move around the
- To post a new message, click on 'Post New Message' in the navigation bar.
- To read a message, click on the message header in the message index.
- To reply to a message, click on 'Post Response' in the navigation bar when displaying the message.
- Messages stay on the board for approx. one month, after which they are removed to an archive. You do not currently have access to this archive but, if you have lost a copy of an important message, please email us giving as much information as possible and we will retrieve the message and email it back to you.
- The search facility allows you to search for specific messages based on date, subject or author.
- Email notification is set by default to 'on'. This means you will automatically be notified by email when someone replies to your message. If you don't want to be notified, turn this off by unchecking the check box when posting a message.
If you want to receive notification when any message is posted to the Forum, subscribe to the notification list by clicking 'Subscribe/Unsubscribe' in the navigation bar. If you subsequently want to unsubscribe from the list, you can do that too from the same place.
- We use cookies. Cookies are small packets of data which are sent to your computer when you use this forum. Whenever you come back again, we read the message back to identify you. This allows us to show you which messages have been received since your last visit and to automatically fill in your details for you when you post messages. Web browsers allow you to turn off cookie support. If you do this, you will not get the benefits mentioned above, however, we would advise anyone using a shared computer to turn cookie support off.